Tips for Easy to Care Your Parakeet- By: Vinod Bhangre

Description : Do you love your bird? Parakeets can make great pets. It's good but you should not get away with your affection. For instance, kissing your bird is not healthy and it is a reason for disease Psittacosis. Psittacosis is a zoonosis, A disease that can spread from animals (birds in this case) to humans. The following tips will give you the information about need to increase happy, healthy birds!
1. Two are better than one
Parakeets are social creatures and like company. When you first adopt them, keep them in separate cages to help them bond with you and not with each other only. After a few weeks, they share the same cage and will keep each other from getting lonely while you can't be play around with them.
2. Invest Time in Your Bird
From the very start, you need to handle your bird daily. Plan on investing an hour a day in your parakeet, Broken down into three 20 minute segments of time. Offer millet to bird and wait patiently for him to trust you. You may be required to take their turns with other family members, holding the millet for the parakeet and allows him to breakfast and get used to your voice and presence. Taming a bird takes time and patience, so prepare to invest, especially if you buy your parakeet from a pet store or other bird owner.
3. Toys, toys, and more toys
Parakeets are playful creatures. And there are many toy options for your bird can get the rings, bells and beads are for swings. Parakeet's shiny things, things that are designed to make noise, and objects they can move on around with their beaks or feet. Just keep in mind that any toy you give your parakeet is not come from small parts which could be a choking hazard. Don't over-clutter the cage, either, but rotate through several different toys for variety.
4. Earn and maintain Their Trust
It take months to build but once it does, your parakeet will perch on your finger. You can celebrate by gently nudging with your finger against his lower chest. As time goes on, your parakeet happy to see you because you will be feeding him, playing with her toys rotation, and give him all the great things to do. Just remember the next tip:
5. Keep the Bird near People
Keep the cage anywhere near people, in the kitchen or living room. Move the cage from room to room if possible, allowing the bird to be near you as you work in your office or bedroom. Talk with the bird whenever possible. Invest in a play stand for your bird, and clip your bird's wings so it can be free play on the stand and explore near you. Remembering to always turn off ceiling fans and closed doors for keep your bird safe so the bird cannot escape or get hurt during out of cage time.
6. Exercise your bird
Let your parakeet fly around the room when you are cleaning the cage. When parakeets are in good health, they love to play, exercise and interact with their human owners. a room with tiled or linoleum flooring is best as it is the easiest to clean if your bird makes a small mess.
All in all, parakeets make great pets and can be great friends. If you're looking for a first time pet for your children, or a small pet that do not need to be walked and do not have to claw your furniture, a parakeet may be right for you! These cute little additions to your family will bring you happiness each day and all they will ask for in exchange for a little love and caring.

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Author Resource : All in all, parakeet makes great pets and can be great friends. If you’re looking for a first time pet for your children, or a small pet that do not need to be walked and do not have to claw your furniture, a parakeet may be right for you! These cute little additions to your family will bring you happiness each day and all they will ask for in exchange for a little love and caring